i am not verbose

This is the place of the infrequent and random musings of Stephen. aka pockoyo

Friday, December 29, 2006

Painting boxes is fun

I spent much of Wednesday and today painting a bunch of boxes for the camp I am leading on next week. Just in case you were wondering, painting boxes is incredibly fun. For the first five minutes anyway. The camp is called Full On and is for kids from years 6-12 at my church. I don't really know what all these boxes are for. Apparently they are going to form all these famous landmarks and the kids are gonna run around the bush with them in the dark as part of some game.

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Christmas pics

Here are just a few of the many pictures taken on Christmas Day 2006. Fashionable hats from the Christmas Bon-bons were worn by all for a short period of time only.

I also understand that an incident unfolded where the dancing and singing Santa Claus (in country & western attire no less!) booted Jesus from the nativity scene and danced up a storm. Reports indicate the animals and wise men were not impressed, and that Santa's dance moves just plain sucked. All photographic evidence of this incident has been destroyed. For the sake of our family, please let this incident never be mentioned ever again.

A selection of the remaining pictures is found below.

Me & Jenny

Me & Oliver

Many Pocknalls

Maddy & Dad Posted by Picasa